SR Levels Making Waves!

We recently rolled out the proposed 2020 rules on the members forum and have allowed competitors to volunteer to compete under these updated rules. This also means that we’ve allowed people to start competing in the new advanced SR levels. This is awesome news for people who want to go deeper into the training concepts of the SR model, but aren’t neccessarily into the drive sports. Or… Just looking for more challenges. So…. There have been a handful of folks to get a successful leg on the SR-2. But…… Only two people in the world to get these new titles. In July, Australian powerhouse Jas Whiting smashed both legs of the SR-2 and all three legs of the SR-3 with her dog Jenta. This makes her the most titled and highest scoring SR competitor in the world. GRC founder’s Jay Jack followed that up in August getting his dog Mabel the first SR-2 in the US. These new levels are much more challenging. And a ton of fun. Stay tuned for video.